Self-Awareness and Promoting Excellent Communication in the Workplace - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Promoting Excellent Communication in the Workplace

Self-awareness can help leaders promote excellent communication in the workplace because, when people understand and are comfortable with their own and others’ emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, they are able to get along with fewer issues.

Workplaces are interesting entities in that they can be a source both of great satisfaction but also incredible frustration. Leaders I’ve worked with have shared many stories with me about less than effective communication and its negative effect on their workplaces. Here are some ideas to build self-awareness and promote excellent communication in your workplace:

1. It’s OK to ask for what you need from your co-workers.
2. It’s OK to speak up in your workplace.
3. It’s OK to challenge things you don’t agree with in your workplace.
4. It’s advisable to talk with co-workers with kindness and respect.
5. It’s OK to talk about our organization’s challenges and do away with secrets.
6. It’s OK for leaders and employees to talk about difficult things and try to find ways to function more effectively.
7. Leaders and workplaces can change any time they want.
8. Workplaces often benefit from having an uninvolved, outside person give them a fresh perspective on what’s going on and how to fix it.
9. We owe it to ourselves and our organizations to be as healthy as possible.
10. Why toil in misery when we can communicate well and build happier workplaces?

Leaders who lack self-awareness often get stuck doing things a certain way because they don’t know any other way to do things. It’s been my experience that there is always hope for more effective communication but we have to commit to doing it.

Effective communication only happens if you put the time and effort into it to change the patterns you’ve established. It takes a leader with the vision and insight to build a new kind of workplace. What will you do to build self-awareness and promote excellent communication in your workplace?



The Self-Awareness Guy