
Using Self-Awareness to Be Successful - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Using Self-Awareness to Be Successful

You can use self-awareness to be successful because you’re able to clearly see what your strengths and areas for improvement are. People try to achieve success in different ways. Some people believe a workshop will create success in their lives, others rely on some outside person to make them successful, some think if they work way too many hours it will bring success. There are a couple of characteristics I have noticed in successful people that I thought I’d share with you.

Success Secrets of Self-Aware, Successful People

  • Have a goal in mind.
  • Keep going even when things get tough.
  • Believe in themselves even when others don’t.
  • Set realistic and manageable goals.
  • Set themselves up for success.
  • Do things to understand themselves honestly.
  • Are open to outside help and scrutiny.
  • Understand that success is something you create.
  • Work intelligently, not just to be busy.
  • Follow their passion.
  • Always work on improving their self-awareness.

Try a few of these ideas on for size and see what they do for your success quotient. Successful people are those who follow their dreams and keep walking even when the road seems impassable. What will you do to increase self-awareness and move toward success?



Self-Awareness and How You Relate to People - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and How You Relate to People

When you possess a high level of self-awareness you relate to people more effectively because you’re comfortable with yourself and are able to step outside your own brain and connect with others on a deeper level. If you have a difficult time getting along with others or are uncomfortable in social situations there are some things you can do:

  • Get to know yourself well and be as happy and healthy inside as you can be.
  • Consistently think and do positive things.
  • Avoid justifying or rationalizing your behaviors that don’t build positive relationships.
  • Work on healing your inner hurts and resolving the difficult issues in your life so they don’t get in the way of building positive relationships.
  • Be in touch with your entire range of feelings.
  • Actively pursue your dreams so you can help others do the same.
  • Don’t assume other people think or act like you, accept their way of doing things.
  • Treat people with kindness and compassion.
  • Learn how to trust others.
  • Collaborate with others instead of competing with them.

The happier and healthier you are inside the easier it will be to get along with others. What will you do to relate well with the people in your life?



Use Self-Awareness to Attract Positive People - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Use Self-Awareness to Attract Positive People

Self-awareness helps you attract positive people and build fulfilling relationships because, when you know yourself well and are content with who you are, you’re able to connect with people in a genuine, healthy manner.

People often ask me why they keep dating the wrong people. I usually ask the person to do some self-reflection and the answer they most often come up with is that they are looking for people based on mistaken assumptions.

Most of us look for people that create a spark, that excite us into wanting to get to know them better. This method creates an initial euphoria that blinds us to understanding clearly what we want from relationships. We become so intoxicated with romance that we are unable to make rational decisions.

What I try to help people with is building self-awareness. When we understand who we are and what we love and need we tend to make better choices regarding relationships. If we don’t know ourselves very well or don’t like ourselves we tend to attract people that reinforce that. When we understand ourselves better and are healthier we tend to attract more positive people.

There really is no magic to this process. What’s been shown to work time after time is that people who are healthy attract other healthy people. All it takes is some work first on getting ourselves as healthy mentally and physically as possible. Then we attract people who admire us for the wonderful, healthy people we are.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and attract positive people into your life?



Smiling and Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Smiling and Self-Awareness

When you increase your self-awareness, you’re much more likely to smile because you’re more balanced and happy deep inside. Many years ago I encountered a person I hadn’t met before at a workplace of mine who looked directly at me and asked why I was smiling. Her facial expression and tone of voice indicated that she wasn’t joking, she genuinely wanted to squash my smile and do it quickly.

What happens when you encounter someone who doesn’t smile much? What’s the feeling you get from them? Countless people live lives of sadness, desperation, and resignation. They’re stuck in a depressing place and can’t see the positive alternatives available to them. I’ve found over years of working with people that it’s possible to overcome negativity and move in a more joyful direction, but it requires conscious effort and dedication.

It takes a lot of self-awareness and courage to smile, especially in the face of sadness, anger, fear, or uncertainty. The reason I smile in even some of the most difficult situations is because I ask myself, “What’s the alternative?” which is, by the way, what I said to the woman.

Building up your self-awareness is like smiling, it reflects your inner light and makes the world a better place. What will you do to develop self-awareness and smile more?



Self-Awareness and Moving Past Hurt - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Moving Past Hurt

When you possess self-awareness, you’re much more likely to enjoy life rather than feeling miserable. Living in hurt is something that countless numbers of people know all too well. They may not consciously understand what they’re doing, but they experience the results of their subconscious minds compelling them to behave in negative, unproductive, and counterintuitive ways.

The legacy of hurt is powerful. It can travel over generations and influence people in its proximity. Hurt people routinely destroy themselves, others, their nations, and the planet. Throughout many years of helping individuals and groups build self-awareness, I’ve noticed that the most genuinely happy people are those who have dealt directly with their hurts. This means they’ve done the hard work necessary to examine themselves and heal the wounds of the past.

Moving beyond pain or trauma is difficult. It requires a higher level of self-awareness and a commitment to improving oneself. Very few people do it, but those who embark on the journey are rewarded with a richer, multifaceted, healthy, expansive life.

What will you do to increase self-awareness and reduce the hurt in your life?



Rigid Thinking Means Lack of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Rigid Thinking Means Lack of Self-Awareness

Rigid thinking reflects a lack of self-awareness and often leads to unhappiness and imbalance, yet many people hang on to one set of thoughts and behaviors throughout their entire lives. They do this because they’re unwilling or unable to consider any other point of view other than their own, usually because they feel that something negative will happen if they consider other options. Some people genuinely believe that they’ll look weak if they change their minds, others are afraid that their carefully constructed world will come tumbling down.

It can be daunting when you realize that your former views don’t fit the situation you’re facing or that you don’t have the tools to deal with new circumstances. Thankfully, human beings are able to raise their self-awareness, change their thinking patterns and acquire new information. Here are some ideas to help you expand your thinking:

  • Actively research and read from many sources.
  • Learn about other points of view.
  • Challenge yourself to look at a situation from a different perspective.
  • Tell yourself the world won’t end if you change your thoughts.
  • Become stronger by learning new things.
  • Listen to what others say and consider their views.
  • Be optimistic that new views can be beneficial.
  • Welcome change into your life.
  • Consider thinking in a way that brings you joy.
  • Think in ways that add to your self-awareness and help you grow.
  • Identify ways to build bridges.
  • Think compassionately.

When you think openly, it helps you find a point of view that brings you genuine, deep happiness and fulfillment rather than covering up your warts or enabling you to barely make it through the day. New ideas and information can help you thrive and succeed in ways you might have not even imagined before. What will you do to improve your self-awareness and think optimistically and openly?



Self-Awareness and Being Creative - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Being Creative

When you possess self-awareness you’re able to explore your creativity. Being creative requires courage because you have to put yourself out there and expose your ideas to scrutiny and criticism.

Creativity simply means coming up with something that didn’t exist before, it requires a sense of optimism and daring, a willingness to challenge the status quo or prevailing wisdom.

We all have the ability to be creative but some people have been programmed to believe that it’s difficult or even dangerous, some even go as far as holding on to the same way of doing things no matter what the results are.

The great thing about human beings is that we have the ability to generate new ideas and bring them to fruition. We don’t have to stay stuck and we can forge a world based on kindness and compassion instead of fear and suspicion.

People who value self-awareness and being creative are able to pioneer bold movements and envision new solutions to the issues we all face.

What will you do to increase your self-awareness and explore your creativity?



The Self-Awareness Guy