What Is Self-Awareness

What is self-awareness, at The Self-Awareness Guy.

Self-Awareness and How You Treat Other People - Change Your Life through Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and How You Treat Other People

Many individuals walk through life missing the self-awareness to understand how their thoughts and actions impact others. One of the hallmarks of understanding yourself well is that it helps you be so happy and balanced that you treat other people well. The better you feel about yourself, the easier it is to interact positively with other human beings and create a more positive world. Here are some signs that you practice self-awareness and treat others with care and compassion:

  • You experience positive results from your interactions with others.
  • You create meaningful friendships.
  • You feel good deep inside.
  • Your relationships are reciprocally satisfying.
  • You don’t have a lot of enemies.
  • People generally say nice things about you.
  • You experience very little conflict with others.
  • Your default behaviors are kindness and empathy.

I these outcomes sound familiar, you know how wonderful it feels to like yourself and others. Life is too short to behave negatively and step on others when there are so many other more positive options. What will you do to treat others wonderfully?



Self-Awareness and Thinking about Others - Change Your Life through Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Thinking about Others

Perhaps you’ve met individuals who assure you they possess self-awareness and then trample all over other people. It’s like the boss who says she’s wonderful and caring and shouts at her employees or the husband who says he’s a great guy but does things that deeply hurt his spouse.

When you have a high level of self-awareness you naturally think about others. The more comfortable and knowledgeable you are about what drives your thoughts, feelings and behaviors, the more likely you will be to feel happy and balanced and treat other people in a caring, compassionate way. If you solely care about your money, your power, your own success, your immediate needs, your safety, or your own point of view, you’re less likely to think about other people.

The key to living a genuinely fulfilling, happy life is to realize that you can take care of yourself and others, not just one or the other. As you become healthier and more tuned in to who you are deep inside, you’re much more likely to help others do the same. What will you do to keep building your self-awareness and thinking about others?



What Is Self Awareness and Why Is It Important? - Change Your Life through Self-Awareness

What Is Self Awareness and Why Is It Important?

People often ask me what is self-awareness and why is it important? In a nutshell, self-awareness is the ability to understand who you are and why you feel, think, and behave the way you do. It’s important because it means the difference between living with your eyes closed or open, being unconscious or conscious.

Think of someone you know who never seems to have a clue about what they’re doing or why things are happening in their lives; that’s a person without self-awareness. People who know themselves well are able to live much deeper, more fulfilling and balanced lives as opposed to just stumbling from one accident to another. Here are some of the characteristics of people who possesses a high level of self-awareness:

  • They heal the hurts from their past.
  • They know who they are deep inside and what they really want to do in life.
  • They understand why they feel, think, and act the way they do.
  • They are able to step outside themselves and empathize with others.
  • They enjoy more meaningful interpersonal relationships.
  • They get along with others.
  • They don’t need to control everything.
  • They don’t have to win all the time.
  • They constantly learn and grow.
  • They understand how their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors affect not only them, but others, as well as society in general.
  • They care about reality.
  • They’re comfortable with themselves.
  • They’re generally happier.
  • They make the world a better place.

The reason why self-awareness is so important is that it gives you the opportunity to live consciously and actually affect your destiny. People who are self-aware are able to enjoy living at a more meaningful level.



Self-Awareness and Negative Beliefs - Change Your Life through Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Negative Beliefs

When you possess a high degree of self-awareness you tend to bypass negative beliefs because you have a more complete understanding of what’s really going on inside and around you and how you can move things in a positive direction rather than staying stuck in fear, superstition, inaction or inauthenticity. Here are some ideas to help you reduce the negativity:

  • Realize that you can’t possibly control everything around you.
  • Work actively on understanding yourself on a deeper level.
  • Take action each day to do things that are meaningful to you.
  • Believe that your perception of the world doesn’t have to be negative.
  • See the big picture rather than getting mired in endless detail.
  • Focus on what’s going well.
  • Learn to redirect negative feelings and replace them with positive alternatives.

Negative people and events can’t hold you back if you don’t let them. You have many options available to you rather than despairing or giving up, what will you do to increase your self-awareness and get rid of negative beliefs?



Self-Awareness Definition - Change Your Life through Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Definition

Self-awareness is a state of being where you consciously manage your thoughts, emotions and behaviors. It’s a deeper insight into who you are as a person so you can live on purpose rather than unconsciously. It helps you understand how your thinking, feelings and behaviors affect you and others so you can live positively.

When you understand who you are on a deeper level, you can move your life in any direction you want. You become a more effective, balanced, thoughtful and successful person.

Some of the benefits of self-awareness are:

  • Increased ability to modulate your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
  • Better interpersonal relationships.
  • Living a happier life with less internal and external conflict.
  • Ability to discover who you really are deep inside.
  • Living a life of meaning and purpose.

What would you add to this list?



Self-Aware People Are Open-Minded - Change Your Life through Self-Awareness

Self-Aware People Are Open-Minded

People who possess self-awareness tend to be open-minded because they are able to examine, reflect upon, and even critique themselves. When you’re open-minded you do things like:

  • Examine yourself.
  • Welcome new points of view.
  • Change your mind.
  • See things from various perspectives.
  • Venture into the dark side as well as the light.
  • See each day as an opportunity to explore something.
  • Share your deeper self with the world.

If you’re closed-minded you do the opposite of these things and you live a very different kind of life. One of the reasons I love providing life guidance, workshops, and retreats for people who value self-awareness is that they are receptive to new and interesting ways of seeing things.



Self-Awareness and Being Nice - Change Your Life through Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Being Nice

Self-awareness leads to being nice because the more comfortable you are with yourself the less you’ll get your stuff on other people. It’s really easy to get caught up with the things going on inside your head and acting out on others in an unconscious manner. Maybe you’ve seen a boss fly off the handle at someone or a significant other shout at her partner. These are examples of actions that aren’t self-aware because people are doing them automatically rather than with careful forethought.

Self-awareness means that you’ve taken the time to know yourself so well that you don’t do things unconsciously. You’re happy, balanced and able to treat yourself and others kindly. There’s a myth in our society that being nice is being weak when it’s actually a positive sign that someone is healthy and balanced. Please keep in mind that I’m not talking about the syrupy-sweet niceness of someone who really isn’t happy or is trying to manipulate others, I’m referring to the kind of niceness that comes from someone who feels genuinely and deeply great about themselves. What will you do to be authentically nice?



The Self-Awareness Guy