what is self-awareness

What is self-awareness, at The Self-Awareness Guy.

7 Examples of the Importance of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

7 Examples of the Importance of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is an important tool to help you succeed at a higher level. When you understand yourself well, you live your life consciously rather than just letting it happen to you. Here are seven examples of the importance of self-awareness:

  • You can connect more easily with other people.
  • You treat people with kindness and compassion and have them do the same for you.
  • You follow your true path in life.
  • You build a career you love based on your natural talents and abilities.
  • You live authentically and openly.
  • You resolve your inner issues so they don’t get in the way of your progress.
  • You can be yourself at all times instead of pretending to be someone else.

Imagine if you did all these things, think of the positive impact it would have on your life. When you build self-awareness, you give yourself the opportunity to enjoy who you really are and experience things at an entirely different level. What would you add to this list?




10 Signs You Lack Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

10 Signs You Lack Self-Awareness

Here are ten signs you lack self-awareness:

  • You always feel off-balance.
  • You can’t seem to control your emotions: You’re angry, or sad, or scared a lot of the time.
  • You do things to not feel your emotions.
  • You have unresolved issues in your life that affect you and others adversely.
  • You feel like you’re living life as someone else.
  • You don’t know who you really are deep inside.
  • There is a lot of conflict in your life, within yourself and with others.
  • You feel like you’re not following your true path in life.
  • You’re unhappy with how your life is going.
  • You listen to others instead of listening to your inner voice.

If you recognize yourself in any of these items then you have a great opportunity to take an honest look at yourself and start working on being the best version of you possible. Self-awareness isn’t something that happens automatically, you have to identify the areas in your life that require some attention and work on them so you become a healthier more well-rounded person.



Developing Self-Awareness: 2 Exercises - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Developing Self-Awareness: 2 Exercises

Here are two exercises for developing self-awareness.

1. The Personal Inventory

The way this self-awareness exercise works is that it requires that you actively look at yourself and start working on the things that don’t lead in a positive direction in your life. The process of working on certain issues helps you gain better insight into the areas of your life that might benefit from some extra attention.

  • In a notebook divide a page into two columns, label one column “Positive” and the other “Other Than Positive.”
  • Write down all the positive things you feel, think, and do in the “Positive” column.
  • Write down the things you think, feel, and do that lead in an “Other Than Positive” column.
  • Read the items in the “Positive” column and praise yourself for each item.
  • Look at your “Other Than Positive” column and pick the one item that seems the easiest to deal with. Once you pick a single item, decide on one action you will do to improve that item. Each subsequent day keep picking something to deal with that same item until it is no longer an issue that leads you in a less than positive direction.
  • Once your “Other Than Positive” item is no longer an issue, go back to the first step and repeat the entire process.
  • Repeat this exercise until you have very few “Other Than Positive” items.
  • Remember that developing self-awareness takes months, years, and will likely require a lifetime of commitment to learning and growing.

2. Looking Deep Inside

In this self-awareness exercise you get to take a deeper look at your emotions. A key element of self-awareness is the ability to look deep within and understand who your really are deep down inside and why you feel, think, and do what you do. Here’s how it works:

  • Think of an issue that creates a lot of discomfort in your life.
  • Label that issue with one of these four emotions (whichever fits the best): Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Fear.
  • Once you have chosen a single label then allow yourself five minutes to think of the issue and the emotion attached to it. After five minutes, write down your impressions of what you felt.
  • Keep repeating this exercise until you have a strong sense that the discomfort is no longer there or is greatly lessened.
  • Pick another issue and repeat the entire process.
  • Remember that this isn’t a one-time activity, it requires long-term commitment to developing your self-awareness.

You’ll find these exercises are challenging, some people even find them nearly impossible at first, but that’s the whole point of self-awareness; it’s a gradual process that takes time and repeated effort. So that you don’t get overloaded, I would recommend you work on these exercises on alternating weeks until you get really good at doing them, at which time you can do them simultaneously; the idea is to keep working on them until they become second nature. You’ll find that your self-awareness will naturally increase as you do the exercises. Please feel free to share your progress in the comments section below this post or contact me directly, I’d love to hear how you’re doing.



Tips for Building Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Here are some tips for building self-awareness:

  • Be willing to take an honest look at yourself.
  • Celebrate your strengths.
  • Be ready to let go of old thoughts and behaviors.
  • Look at the issues in your life you want to resolve.
  • Select an issue you want to work on.
  • Brainstorm some ideas of how to deal with the issue.
  • Pick one idea to start working on.
  • Evaluate your progress.
  • Repeat the process.

Increasing your self-awareness is an ongoing, lifelong process. It’s not a quick fix because it takes time to get to know the real you and learn new strategies to live authentically. What will you do to start building self-awareness?



What's Your Level of Self-Awareness? - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

What’s Your Level of Self-Awareness?

It can be challenging to determine what your level of self-awareness is without having some frame of reference. Here are some brief guidelines to help you figure out where you’re at:

Level 1 – You Say You Know Yourself

You say you know yourself but your description doesn’t match the reality. You tend to live by reacting unconsciously to your environment.

Level 2 – You Know a Few Things about Yourself

You can recognize some of the things you think, feel and do but you have little or no control over when or how you do them.

Level 3 – You Begin Understanding Why You Do Stuff

You begin to examine and comprehend why you think, feel and behave the way you do and are able to consciously make small changes.

Level 4 – You Understand Yourself at a Deeper Level

You are able to think, feel and behave consciously rather than reactively and live a life based on being the real you.

The great thing about learning about yourself is that it helps you become stronger, healthier, and more connected to your true path in life. What will you do to keep increasing your self-awareness?



Self-Awareness and Your True Path - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Your True Path

As you increase your self-awareness you’ll naturally follow your true path in life rather than:

  • Pretending you love doing something you don’t.
  • Justifying doing things you really don’t find meaningful.
  • Doing things solely for money.
  • Doing something because you sort of like it.
  • Doing something because you can.
  • Following other people’s visions.

The more deeply you know and understand yourself, the more you’ll:

  • Do things you genuinely love.
  • Do what you really want to do and find meaningful.
  • Worry less about money and more about fulfillment.
  • Do things because you’re passionate about them.
  • Do things because they’re your calling.
  • Follow your own inner compass.

The key to living an authentic and fulfilling life is to be the real you rather than pretending to be someone else. Take the time to discover who you are and let your authentic self guide your thoughts, feelings and actions. What will you do to follow your true path?



self-awareness consulting

Being Sensitive Is Self-Aware - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Being Sensitive Is Self-Aware

Individuals who lack self-awareness don’t understand their impact on others. When people say things like: “You’re too sensitive,” or “Stop being so sensitive,” I can almost guarantee that someone is in the process of being hurt in some way. It usually happens like this:

  1. Person one says something rude to person two.
  2. Person two gets upset.
  3. Person one says, “You’re too sensitive.”

Being sensitive is a good thing, it means that you’re in touch with your feelings and you’re able to express them, and that’s why it makes people who aren’t well-versed in dealing with emotions uncomfortable. Most people run screaming when they experience an uncomfortable feeling inside themselves or coming from someone else, and they’ll do anything to get away from it.

I love connecting with people who value self-awareness because they know what it’s like to experience the world through heightened emotions. It doesn’t mean they don’t use their brains, it just shows they’re extra intuitive and perceptive about their environment.

If you’re a sensitive person, that’s great. Keep experiencing your feelings and encouraging others to do the same. After all, we’re all thinking, feeling beings. What will you do to develop self-awareness and be sensitive?



The Self-Awareness Guy