self-awareness definitions

How to Tell If Someone Is Self-Aware - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

How to Tell If Someone Is Self-Aware

How to tell if someone is self-aware? They do things like:

  • Behave with kindness and compassion.
  • Follow their dreams in life.
  • Are comfortable in their own skin.
  • Don’t feel a need to put other people down.
  • Feel great about themselves but not in an arrogant or fake way.
  • Get along well with others.
  • Put out good vibes.
  • Believe in themselves.
  • Understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Live a life that reflects who they are deep inside.

People who possess self-awareness feel good about themselves and help others do the same; they’re genuinely happy and do things to make the world a better place; they’re the kind of people that build others up and do kind things for others. It all comes from their inner balance and well-being. What would you add to this list?



Why Self-Awareness Matters - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Why Self-Awareness Matters

You’ve probably met people, even very successful ones, who behave like they’re clueless or unbalanced in some part of their lives. Perhaps they don’t deal with others very positively, can’t get past some childhood trauma or have ideas about the world that aren’t grounded in reality. What they’re often missing is self-awareness, the ability to understand how their thoughts, emotions and behaviors affect them and others.

People avoid looking at themselves because they’re afraid of what they might find. It takes courage to admit that they’re not perfect, that they’ve made mistakes, that they’ve been wrong in the past or that there are areas that need improvement in their lives. Those who do decide to take a candid look at themselves soon discover that they can live deeply satisfying, meaningful, healthy and balanced lives.

Self-awareness matters because you’re worth it. You deserve to live a fully conscious life that reflects the real you rather than doing all the other garbage that makes you (and the people around you) unhappy. When you understand who you are and why you think and behave the way you do, you get to live an authentic life being yourself rather than trying to be someone you’re not or relying on outside sources for your happiness.

Increasing your self-awareness gives you the opportunity to live the life you were meant to live without restrictions. It’s a journey that begins with your willingness to look at yourself honestly and become the most healthy, balanced you possible. How will you start building your self-awareness?



12 Examples of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

12 Examples of Self-Awareness

Here are twelve examples of self-awareness:

  • You’re in touch with your feelings and comfortable with them.
  • You know who you are deep inside.
  • You’re not afraid to examine and work on resolving the difficult issues in your life.
  • You consistently work on improving your understanding of yourself.
  • You treat yourself and others kindly.
  • You’re living your dreams.
  • You behave consciously and mindfully.
  • You heal your hurts.
  • You feel like your life is genuinely meaningful and fulfilling.
  • You understand that self-awareness is an ongoing process.
  • You contribute positive things to the world that benefit as many people as possible.
  • You live authentically.

Self-awareness is a state of being where you deeply understand yourself and live based on who you really are deep inside. Each of the examples I’ve mentioned here are things you can work on starting today in order to help you live a happy life. All you have to do is decide to work on one of them and keep going until you’re good at it, then move on to the next item. Over time, you’ll develop your self-awareness.



Why Does Self-Awareness Matter at All? - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Why Does Self-Awareness Matter at All?

Why does self-awareness matter at all? Because it’s the key to living a deeply fulfilling, happy and authentic life. Imagine waking up each day, doing things that mean something to you and behaving like the real you. So many people spend their lives trying to be someone else or thinking and behaving in ways that don’t reflect who they really are deep inside that they miss out on being themselves.

When you build self-awareness you give yourself the gift of being yourself without having to ignore, compromise or minimize your amazing ideas, talents and abilities. You get to do what you find meaningful and live in a way that’s free from the restrictions and limits that many other people experience.

Self-awareness matters because you get to be your wonderful self.



Self-Awareness Definition - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Definition

Self-awareness is a state of being where you consciously manage your thoughts, emotions and behaviors. It’s a deeper insight into who you are as a person so you can live on purpose rather than unconsciously. It helps you understand how your thinking, feelings and behaviors affect you and others so you can live positively.

When you understand who you are on a deeper level, you can move your life in any direction you want. You become a more effective, balanced, thoughtful and successful person.

Some of the benefits of self-awareness are:

  • Increased ability to modulate your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
  • Better interpersonal relationships.
  • Living a happier life with less internal and external conflict.
  • Ability to discover who you really are deep inside.
  • Living a life of meaning and purpose.

What would you add to this list?



A Practical Definition of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

A Practical Definition of Self-Awareness

Here is a practical definition of self-awareness: The process of gaining understanding of who you are and how your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors affect you and others.

A lot of people think that self-awareness is something negative or scary that will force them to face things they don’t want to. That perspective in itself indicates a lack of understanding of how important it is to be able to look at yourself so you can live consciously instead of repeating the mistakes of the past.

Proactive, forward-thinking people use self-awareness as a tool to treat themselves and others well rather than living in perpetual inner and outer discomfort or conflict. Remember, life is so much more enjoyable and fulfilling when you experience it wide awake.



The Self-Awareness Guy